Montala Limited is committed to equal opportunity in employment in which individuals are selected and treated on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities without regard to sex, marital/civil partnership status, gender reassignment, disability, race, age, sexual orientation or religion/belief or lack of any religion/belief (referred to as "protected characteristics") and are given equal opportunities within the company.
In all cases, the ability to perform the job will be the only consideration.
As an employer committed to the principle of equality of opportunity, the company will adhere to the following procedure for recruiting and selecting individuals for all positions.
Selection criteria
The selection process will be carried out consistently for all jobs at all levels. Selection criteria for all positions will be clearly defined and reflected in the further particulars sent to applicants which will also include details of the company’s commitment to equality of opportunity. Job qualifications or requirements which would have the effect of inhibiting applications from members of particular groups, such as those of one sex, persons of a particular religion, marital status or sexual orientation, persons of a particular racial group, persons within a certain age bracket or those with a disability, will not be demanded or imposed except where they are justifiable in terms of the job to be done.
Job advertisements will be widely publicised so as to encourage applications from all suitably qualified and experienced people. In order to attract applications from all sections of the community, the company will endeavour to ensure that advertisements are not restricted to areas or publications which would exclude or disproportionately reduce applications from a particular gender, religion, age group or racial group and should avoid prescribing requirements as to marital status or age. All job advertisements placed on behalf of the company will state the company’s commitment to equality of opportunity.
Selection methods
The selection process will be carried out consistently for all jobs at all levels. All those handling applications and conducting interviews must be aware of the principles of the Equality Act 2010. The selection of new employees will be based on job requirements and the individual’s suitability and ability to do the job and information sought from candidates will relate only to the qualifications for or requirements of the job.