We are committed to ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. This statement sets out our current risk analysis and the steps we have taken to deliver on our commitment.
Risk analysis
On the basis of the due diligence and analysis of the business and its supply chains carried out to date, we consider that we are currently at a low risk of slavery and human trafficking in both the context of our own business and our supply chains.
Our policy
We are a responsible business which is committed to acting with integrity and maintaining the highest professional and ethical standards in all our business relationships, including our supplier relationships. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards slavery and human trafficking and we require our suppliers to take a similar approach.
All employees (excluding apprentices and interns) are paid well above the living wage. The standard terms and conditions of employment for our staff provide for the freedom of the employee to terminate their employment at any time and our policies stress the importance of work / life balance. Overtime is to be worked in extreme circumstances only, and then by agreement between Montala and the employee.
We have the following policies published on our Intranet (which is accessible to all employees):
- Whistleblowing Policy;
- Bullying and Harassment Policy prohibiting harassment and intimidation; and
- Disciplinary Policy prohibiting any threat of violence.
Our Supplier Management Policy and Ethical Policy (https://www.montala.com/ethical_policy) provides that anyone responsible for purchasing services from suppliers is expected to observe the highest standards of honesty and fairness and work in a manner which ensures full accountability, consistent with the firm’s core values.
We maintain a preferred supplier list. We also conduct due diligence on all suppliers before allowing them to become a preferred supplier ensuring compliance with the Modern Slavery Act.
We expect all delivery partners, organisations within our frameworks and other companies we engage with to ensure their goods, materials and labour-related supply chains are free from any form of modern slavery.